We Pray for Those We Love

and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 4:14

Would you like to know why people dont intercede, pray, for others more? Its not very complicated; however, it is convicting. Really convicting.

The reason we dont pray for others more than we do is because we dont really love them.

Think about it.

Are there people and things that you pray about often? Sure.

  • You pray for yourself–no problem with love there.
  • Your family? Most of the time. Unless you’re really frustrated, hurt, or angry with them, you pray for them. After all, they are family.
  • Close friends? Normal issues of life, probably not. However, if its a real crisis, you work them into your prayers.
  • The pastor and staff? Maybe you pray for them. After all, if they are falling apart spiritually, that will have an impact on you.

Okay, here’s where it changes.

  • Political leaders? The ones you like, you might pray for around election time. But, do you pray for the others and at other times? You may say, If I was a monk, maybe, but I’m busy.
  • Christians suffering around the world? They are in the headlines, but do they make it to your prayers? Youre sorry they have it hard, but when you are praying, their needs rarely bubble to the top.
  • People you see every day–neighbors, the person at the cleaners, schoolteachers? Its hard to care, much less pray, for people you don’t really know.

Where is it that prayer and love interface? Notice what Paul says to the Philippian believers: For God is my witness, how I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this I pray, that your love may overflow still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment (Philippians 1:89). See the process? Long for–pray–love –they go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

One of the four points of our church’s Mission Statement is Love People.

If you really Love People, you will pray for them, and if you pray for people, you will find yourself loving them more.

Walk in love. Walk in prayer. Then, walk in love again.

And when we do this, we will show how we are walking with Jesus, and that is a great way to start a new year.

Bill Street

Minister, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Prayer

As a church, we are setting aside the third day of every month in 2021 as a day of prayer and fasting. Learn more at bellevue.org/prayer and sign up. Please note: if you were registered to receive the 2020 emails, you will need to register again.