
God calls each of us to reach our city with the Gospel. Bellevue’s Serve Out Pathways provide specific paths for each member to use his or her gifts to better serve Memphis.


“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.” Jeremiah 29:7

The Bible teaches us that God has called us to love our community. Cordova Pathways provide opportunities to serve our neighbors and share the Gospel right where God has placed us.

Serve Dexter K–8

Whom you will serve:

Dexter K–8 is a school located only one mile away from Bellevue. Over the past few years, our church has built a great relationship with Dexter students and faculty. Help us invest in our neighbors by being a reading coach or assisting with an after-school Bible club.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Reading Coach (September—April)

  • Students who read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade have an 89 percent graduation rate, but 66 percent of students are behind in reading proficiency by 4th grade. By tutoring 2nd grade students one on one with ARISE2Read, you can help students improve their reading abilities and set them up for future success. Volunteers go to the school and mentor students for one hour a week.
  • Register here for Reading Coach

Bible Club

  • Two after-school Bible clubs meet at Dexter once a week on Thursdays from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. You can minister to students and facilitate a fun activity for them. Register to help lead a Bible club alongside other volunteers for one of the two groups: 2nd–5th grade or 6th–8th grade.
  • Register here for Bible Club

Partners: Dexter K–8 and ARISE2Read

Serve Rock Creek Apartments

Whom you will serve:

The Rock Creek Apartments are only a mile away from Bellevue’s campus and are home to a diverse community of people. Many of the residents are far from God but are open to personal conversations about the gospel. Currently, there is a ministry team living in Rockcreek Apartments with the purpose of making disciples. Through this pathway, we are working alongside this ministry team to reach the residents with the gospel.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Support / Prayer Team (6-month commitment)
  • Serve and care for the team members that are working to reach the Rock Creek community through prayer and event support as needed. This team will also help meet emergency needs of residents in the community.
  • This team will meet monthly with the Residence Experience Team to pray for the residents and ministry out at Rockcreek Apartments.
  • The Support Team will also welcome any Rockcreek apartment community members who visit Bellevue providing intentional hospitality.

Partners: Rock Creek Residence Experience Team

Registration Link


“The lord of Armies says this: Make fair decisions. Show faithful love and compassion to one another. Do not oppress ther widow or the fatherless, the resident alien or the poor, and do not plot evil in your hearts against one another.” Zechariah 7:9–10 (CSB)

In Scripture, we see a clear call to help those who are vulnerable. The homeless, the under-resourced, and refugees are examples of groups who are at risk in our community. Compassion Pathways offer strategic ways to serve those who are in need by meeting tangible needs and creating Gospel-centered relationships.

Mentor new and expecting mothers

Whom you will serve:

One by One provides trained, church-based mentors to serve and walk alongside vulnerable, at-risk, new, and expecting families who visit faith-based pregnancy care centers. Within this Pathway, you will have the opportunity to be a mentor and come alongside these ladies.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Mentor (18-month commitment, or until the baby’s 1st birthday)
  • Provide support and friendship to new mothers.
  • Equip mothers to be great parents and share the hope of Jesus Christ.
  • Meet with a mom at least once a month in person, with weekly contact by phone or text.

      Partners: One-by-One Ministries

      Registration link

      Pray for Binghampton Christian Academy

      Whom you will serve:

      Binghampton Christian Academy is a Christian day and boarding school dedicated to developing both spiritual and academic excellence in their students. Through this Pathway, you will have the opportunity to join other Bellevue members to connect with and pray for students as they are walking through these formative years.

      Volunteer Opportunities:

      Prayer Partner for 3rd Grade (August – May Commitment required)

      • Pray for the 3rd grade class throughout the month
      • Provide supplies for and host 4 class parties throughout the year

      Partners: Binghampton Christian Academy

      Registration link

      Serve refugees

      Whom you will serve:

      The families that you will have the opportunity to serve have undergone circumstances unimaginable. They have left their homes due to threatening conditions and have sought refuge in our country. Through this Pathway, you can come alongside these families, supporting them as they adjust to their life here in Memphis.

      Volunteer Opportunities:

      • Resettlement Support Team (6-month commitment)
      • Serve new refugee families as they transition to life in Memphis. Volunteer responsibilities may include greeting families, helping them move-in, assisting with transportation, and meeting other various needs.
      • General Volunteer Team (as-needed basis)
      • Sign-up to be alerted when random needs arise with new refugee families. Needs may include providing transportation, helping move-in, preparing a new apartment, etc.

      Partners: World Relief Memphis and Refugee Memphis

      Registration link

      Serve foster families

      Whom you will serve:

      The WRAP ministry provides support for foster parents and families through Words of affirmation, Respite care, Acts of service, and Prayer. Within this Pathway, you can assist and care for a foster family through one of these areas with a team of others that are dedicated to serving these families.

      Volunteer Opportunities:

      Join a WRAP Team (6 month–1 year commitment)

      Teams consist of 10-12 members that will work together to provide care for a family. Join with a group of friends or join as an individual and come together with others to form a new team.

      Time commitment is dependent on family needs and team availability, but is a minimum of 6 months.

      Partners: WRAP Ministry

      Registration link


      Serve vulnerable women

      Whom you will serve:

      Sista2Sista is a ministry in the Binghampton community that provides housing, meals, rest, and healthy relationships for women struggling to break free from prostitution and addiction. Serve alongside this ministry in a practical way by providing meals for these women at their Drop-In Center.

      Volunteer Opportunities:

      • Meal Provider (3-month commitment)
      • Each Wednesday, lunch is provided by a volunteer for the women at the Drop-in center. Choose at least one Wednesday a month for three months to either make or pick up food for the ladies.

      Partners: Sista2Sista

      Registration link



      “So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:5

      The Bible tells us that Christians are all one Body and united under one purpose. By partnering with and strengthening other local churches, we can better reach our community with the Gospel.

      Opportunities coming soon!

      Get Involved

      God is calling each of us to go deeper in how we reach our city with the Gospel. If you have questions about how you can get involved, contact our Missions ministry!