Our Pastor
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Dr. Steve Gaines
Dr. Steve Gaines, Bellevue’s Senior Pastor, is known as a man of prayer and a preacher of God’s Word. Since 1983, he has pastored churches in Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama, and he became Senior Pastor of Bellevue in 2005. He has served on many denominational boards and committees, and he has been the keynote speaker at many denominational events. Steve’s wife, Donna, is also a vital part of the Gaineses’ ministry at Bellevue as she teaches with Bellevue Women, serves during missions projects, and disciples younger women. Steve and Donna have four children and 18 grandchildren.

Revival: When God Comes to Church
When God manifests His presence to a fellowship of believers in Christ, God’s people experience revival. In his newest book, Revival: When God Comes to Church, Bro. Steve analyzes how churches can look like the first church in the book of Acts as they seek God above all else. That’s one way to define revival—when God comes to church. We don’t need another program, personalities, or marketing; we need His presence. The Holy Spirit is our primary draw, and when He touches people, they’re never the same.
Born: December 31, 1957, in Corinth, Mississippi, to Edgar and Dorothy Gaines.
Married: June 14, 1980, to Donna Dodds Gaines—Bellevue Women, speaker, founder of ARISE2Read, author of There’s Gotta Be More, Leaving Ordinary, Choose Wisely, Live Fully, and Seated.
- Grant Gaines: pastor of Belle Aire Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Married to Melisa. Five children.
- Lindsey Gaines Wingo: stay-at-home mom. Married to Ryan Wingo, minister of worship at Prince Avenue Baptist Church in Athens, Georgia. Four children.
- Allison Gaines Hill: stay-at-home mom. Married to Gentry Hill, a Southern Baptist preacher. Five children.
- Bethany Gaines Golding: stay-at-home mom. Married to David Golding, engineer with Turner Construction Company in Memphis, Tennessee. Four children.
- Doctor of Philosophy from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (1991)
- Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (1984)
- Bachelor of Science from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee (1979)
- High school diploma from Dyersburg High School in Dyersburg, Tennessee (1975)

- Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tennessee (2005–present)
- Pastor of Gardendale First Baptist Church in Gardendale, Alabama (1991–2005)
- Pastor of West Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson, Tennessee (1988–1991)
- Pastor of Lake Shore Baptist Church in Lake Dallas, Texas (1983–1988)
- Youth Minister at Lake Shore Baptist Church in Lake Dallas, Texas (1981–1983)
- Youth Minister at First Baptist Church Milan in Milan, Tennessee (1978–1980)
- President of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) (2016–2018)
- Chairman of the SBC Resolutions Committee (2015)
- President of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board Pastors Conference (2015)
- President of the SBC Pastors’ Conference (2005)
- Speaker at the SBC Convention (2004)
- Member of the SBC The Baptist Faith and Message Study Committee (1999–2000)
- President of the Alabama Baptist Pastors Conference (1999)
- Trustee of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee (2014–present)
- Member of the SBC Committee on Nominations (1991, 1999)
- Books: Morning Manna, Pray Like It Matters, Share Jesus Like It Matters, and Revival: When God Comes to Church.