Advance Preparation
- Schedule a date night or anniversary celebration.
- Come prepared to dream big for your marriage.
During the Date
Whether you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or just want to become more intentional about fostering intimacy, take time to dream up one new thing to do together for each year you have been married. For example: If you are celebrating your eighth anniversary, plan eight new dreams or things you want to do together during the coming year. Plan them out on the calendar to make it happen!
Dream Storm
Make a list of dreams or activities you would both like to do together. Some items may be something you both want to do and some might be sharing activities your spouse wants to do. For example: You know your spouse would love to take a cooking class. Find a class you can both go to together and enjoy. Make sure your list includes some good free options and ideas that are not too difficult to pull off. Aim for fun and realistic.
Once you have a good list of ideas, narrow them down to your “top eight” or whatever number anniversary you might be celebrating.
Make It Happen
As part of the date, go ahead and start the research and schedule out when you will go do these activities together. This might be as simple as scheduling one activity a month and deciding on details later. As part of your planning, identify some necessary steps toward making each happen.
Optional Extra Credit
Get a journal or scrapbook you can use to save ticket stubs, pictures, and special memorabilia from all your times together. On your next anniversary, celebrate the last year by going through your journal/scrapbook and thanking the Lord for all of His blessings in your relationship.