“I missed it,” admitted Bellevue member Mitsie Witherspoon. “I grew up in church but missed the whole relationship with Christ message. It wasn’t until I was 48 years old that I finally ‘got it’ and truly submitted my life to Christ.”
Unfortunately, this is all too often the case for others in the Church. We go to worship services–when it’s convenient; we pray–sometimes; we read the Bible–a few times a week; we may even join a Life Group–but don’t engage. That Christian “checklist” was what Mitsie associated with a relationship with God before she surrendered her heart and her life to the Lord.
“My entire life had been wrapped up in a career that afforded me all the things this life has to offer,” Mitsie said. “But God loved me enough to interrupt that career, which made me vulnerable enough to hear the Holy Spirit. That led me to choosing Christ as my Savior and Lord. God loved me enough–that phrase is key because I’ve come to realize that the very God who created me is the One who allowed me to grow up in the Bible belt, put me in a family that took me to church consistently–even though I would reject Him over and over again until the age of 48. God shook up my world until I heard Him, humbled myself, and chose Him because He loves me–and love pursues the lost.”
God’s love is pursuing you, too.
Whether you have walked with the Lord most of your life and want to know Him more, or you have been running from the Lord, His love is pursuing you!
“Don’t miss the ‘relationship with Christ’ part.” Mitsie concluded. “This Christianity thing is not about just going to church. It’s not about being a good person. It’s about a real, every day, every moment relationship with Jesus that produces the need and the desire to know Him, serve Him, and love Him more and more and more. That’s the most important part!”
Have questions about what it means to have a relationship with God? Text “Jesus” to (901) 201-5560 or call (901) 347-2000.