“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
“The Bible has a lot to say about money,” expressed Teresa Street, Bellevue member. “From giving, to saving, to debt–the Bible has something to say about it all. Scripture also gives warnings about the power money can have over people. So in essence, taking Financial Peace University helped teach us about Doing Money God’s Way–taking the principles taught in the Bible and responsibly applying them to our finances.”
In 2015, Bellevue encouraged the entire church to go through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Many people, including Teresa and her husband Mark, utilized this resource, and it made a lasting impact on their lives. She explained that “taking the course made us more mindful of where our dollars were actually going, and it helped us be in control of our money instead of our money controlling us.”
Bellevue is offering this resource again this year at no charge through Ramsey+. This FREE program includes a collection of financial resources from Ramsey Solutions.
We all struggle in different ways, so we all have areas where we can grow! For some, you may desire to find common ground with your spouse about your family’s finances; maybe you’ve never lived on a budget causing you to overspend; or maybe you cling onto your money so tightly that you are never generous or open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to give.
We are all different, but we can all Do Money God’s Way.
“Doing Money God’s Way ensures that God remains your true ‘source,’ and money is just a ‘resource’ or a tool used to help meet needs, bless others, and advance His Kingdom,” Teresa said.
At Bellevue, we want you to experience the financial freedom that comes from Doing Money God’s Way. None of us can go alone, so we encourage you to join a Ramsey+ group or come together with others in your Life Group who are on a similar journey. With a Ramsey+ membership, you will have unlimited access to all of Ramsey Solutions’ bestselling digital content, money tools, apps, and other resources, including Financial Peace University, EveryDollar Plus, the BabySteps app, and more.
For more information and to register for your free membership to Ramsey+, visit bellevue.org/ramsey.