Into the Promise
- Date Override: Various Times and Dates Beginning January 21
Are you ready to step into more of the promised life God has for you? Join Bellevue Women for their spring Bible study, Into the Promise: A Journey Through Joshua. Throughout the study, you will discover that the book of Joshua tells:
The story of a man: Joshua.
The story of a people: the Israelites.
The story of us.
The story of God.
The Old Testament picture of the promised land is the New Testament equivalent of the promised life we have in Christ. In this powerful and relevant study, we will be challenged to wholeheartedly obey God and possess the life God has for us, the Spirit-filled life that Jesus promises to all who believe. Register online!
Childcare is available for Tuesday morning small groups, and you can register for childcare using the link in your confirmation email (once you have registered for the Bible study).
Kickoff: Wednesday, January 15 | 6:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
January 21–April 1 | 9:30 a.m.
Register here
January 22–April 2 | 6:30 p.m.
Register here
January 26–April 6 | 11:00 a.m.
Register here
Register here to watch the livestream or to receive a weekly email with a video link and other study resources.
Regular English or Spanish: $13
Large Print: $15
Spring Break: March 18–19