People Over Projects

How God has called Bellevue to love Memphis

Wrapping Our Arms Around Foster Families

How fostering is done in community

Bellevue Loves Memphis Communities

As a dentist, I had always imagined that ‘one day’ I would be able to go on a mission trip to Africa or South America to provide much-needed healthcare in remote areas. I did not know the extent of the spiritual and physical need in the city of Memphis.

Leticia, Colombia

Bellevue has an ongoing relationship with La Aljaba, a children’s home in Leticia, Colombia, sending teams to minister to the children.

Paige Ellison’s Story

Watch Paige’s story to see what happened when someone invited her to Bellevue!

My Spiritual Checkup

According to Deuteronomy 6, parents are responsible for their child's spiritual development. Parents intuitively monitor their child's grades, friend choices, entertainment, and chore chart but parents must be intentional to monitor their child's spiritual growth....

Soul City Send-Out

Out of obedience for the Lord’s will, Chris and Libby Phillips are answering the call to leave Bellevue and launch a new church in Denver. Watch their full story here.

Eggs-scuse Me?

Plan a special breakfast meal or “breakfast-for-dinner”. Gather the family and take individual omelet orders.

Intentional Grandparent

We are not called “grandparents” because we’ve retired from the parenting process. We are “grand” because we’ve been promoted!

One of a Kind

Bring the family together to create individual pizzas. Provide a variety of options, but let each person’s creativity, tastes, and preferences guide their pizza creation.