People Over Projects

How God has called Bellevue to love Memphis

Wrapping Our Arms Around Foster Families

How fostering is done in community

Choose Life!

Ten years ago, Chad and Kristi Hall went to the doctor for a routine ultrasound. The nurse stopped and said four words, “This is not good.”

Catherine Prewett

91-year-old Catherine Prewett was Bellevue’s first Children’s Director back in 1970. 19 years later when she retired, God had grown this ministry to over 700 children. Although she isn’t able to attend Bellevue anymore, she is still involved in a unique ministry…

Jesus Breaks Every Chain

On Easter Sunday, the presence of God came down on our service and hundreds made decisions to follow Christ.

Bellevue Christmas Store

Bellevue’s Christmas Store helps hundreds get through the holidays every year. Watch this story on how it helped one family.

Disciple Like It Matters: Doug Swett’s story

“Discipleship is having someone you trust teach you how to apply God’s Word in your life and how to teach someone else to do the same.” Read more about how Steven discipled Doug in a way that mattered.

Life Groups at Bellevue

When Amy moved to Memphis from Arkansas, she was looking to make our city feel like home. In order to do that, she began looking for a church to commit to and serve at. After attending Explore 101, she was able to join a Life Group with other Young Adult Singles to help make this big church seem smaller.

Lisa’s Story: Love Offering 2015

A few years ago, Lisa’s world was rocked when she heard her son Brandon had shot himself after a fight with his girlfriend. Although Brandon survived, their life was never the same. Today, Lisa and Brandon get spiritually fed every Sunday morning by watching Bellevue services on TV.

Louis Reaves

Louis Reaves is just an ordinary man who has chosen to live in obedience to God’s will. Since he made that decision, God has used him in incredible ways. Check out his story here!

Jerusalem Project

This local missions project for Bellevue’s Next Gen Ministry gives 6th–12th grade students the opportunity to Share Jesus in their own city.

Mid-South Mission of Mercy

This free, two-day dental clinic held at Bellevue provides free dental care to anyone in need. Please join us in 2018.