People Over Projects

How God has called Bellevue to love Memphis

Wrapping Our Arms Around Foster Families

How fostering is done in community



Will you be there?

Catalyst Recap

Catalyst Recap

Planting, Watering, and Watching Expectantly

CampOutrageous in Review

CampOutrageous in Review

This past week, Bellevue hosted CampOutrageous, Bellevue's Vacation Bible School for kids who recently completed Pre-K–5th grade. More than 4,000 people attended this year's event where they heard the Gospel through story, games, crafts, and songs. Each Worship rally...

Abide in Him

Abide in Him

Produce Fruit that Draws Others to the Father

Abundantly More

Abundantly More

Find out how rising 11th grader, Emily Baker, sparked one of Bellevue Loves Memphis’ most ambitious projects through a Zoom call.