by Abbey Dane | Feb 9, 2024 | missions
Approximately 1,000 children in Shelby County are waiting for a foster family, and the Lord calls us to care for these children (James 1:27). Families at Bellevue are obeying that call as they receive kids with love and acceptance. But while they love on these kids,...
by Abbey Dane | Dec 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
On Sunday, October 8, 2023, Tim Shelton (Bellevue’s Pastor of Groups Leadership and Family Life) was unexpectedly called home to be with the Lord. Tim had challenged himself to an Ironman Triathlon on October 7. But after experiencing a cardiac event during the first...
by Abbey Dane | Oct 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Ninety candles are a lot to fit on a birthday cake, but when Ms. Frankie Taylor turned 90 on September 12, she didn’t try to make that happen. She only put three candles on her cake. Each candle represented 30 years, and each flame stood for a multitude of stories and...
by Abbey Dane | Aug 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
Out West, evergreen trees are spread across large mountains for hiking and climbing. That landscape is a rare sight here in Memphis. The religious landscape out West also greatly differs from that of Memphis. While evergreens are rarely seen here, churches are rarely...
by Abbey Dane | Aug 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Baseball is a worldwide sport. It’s played in stadiums. It’s a pastime in the backyard. It’s a chance to enjoy a hot dog and root for your team. But in Nicaragua, baseball is a lot more than just a sport. It’s a way of life. And our team that went to Nicaragua used...