The word Advent is fairly common in the Christian language. We hear it. We know it has something to do with Christmas. We may even have an Advent wreath with colorful candles. But, what does Advent truly mean?
Advent comes from the Latin words “adventus” and “advenire” which mean “arrival” and “to come.” Today, advent is more broadly referred to as “the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.” Christmas Advent is celebrated the four Sundays leading up to December 25 as we anticipate the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
What most people don’t know is that Advent is two-fold. We often focus Advent around the first coming of Christ through His birth, but it also refers to how we wait for the return of Christ through His second coming as outlined in the book of Revelation.
We created this resource for you and your family to use as you expectantly wait for December 25, as well as the second coming of Christ. It is our prayer that these resources fill your hearts with hope, peace, love, and joy as you celebrate the coming King.
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